Why market breadth indicator is the holy grail for traders?
Market breadth is the only reliable indicator in the market which tells us the underlying sentiment of the current market. We should always first analyze the underlying sentiment of the market before putting our hard earned money on the line. Now the question might arise in your mind how do we check the market breadth of the market? Wait! I’m not going to tell you that “Go to NSEINDIA.COM website and check how many stocks advanced versus how many stocks declined today”. This isn’t the proper way to check market breadth of the market. Trading is not so easy; you have to do some work to get the information. First of all, you have got to download ‘NSE BHAVCOPY’ from their official site, then after downloading the sheet, open it now on your excel in computer. Then delete every column on the sheet except “SYMBOL, CLOSE & PREVIOUS CLOSE column. Then write the formula on next column to get the percentage change of today. The excel formula for % change in stocks is: ...